v1.1 - A major bug fix already :-(

I'm sorry to say that there was a nasty bug in my initial release which caused the last answer for each chapter to be overwritten by your most recent answer. The reason I didn't catch this is simple: I missed it in my rush to get my game jam entry out.

I sincerely hope not too many beautiful writings have been eaten by this bug. That's the one thing I tried to avoid...and failed.

I'm not sure what itch.io has in the way of anti-caching techniques for the browser games, but I imagine a simple browser refresh will load the new version without the bug.  But a hard refresh (CTRL+F5 or equivalent on your computer's keyboard) should certainly do it.

If you're so inclined, I also added a browser dev console message with a version number so you can check. You can usually open the developer console with the F12 key. You should see "hoo? v1.1" in the console.

Sorry about that!


game.zip Play in browser
Feb 02, 2023

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